Instructional Leadership: The effect of principal’s leadership practices on teacher teaching practices and the performance of 6th Grade Primary School students in Mathematics
Kazi M.
Perceptions of secondary education teachers, about the contribution of training programs to their professional development
Kitsakis V.
Home/school partnership: Parents’ views of children with autism concerning their cooperation with teachers and specialised educational staff
Motsi S., Stavropoulos V.
The Adoption of Technical Analysis Tools as a Factor for the Identification of Short-Term Changes in the Hellenic Market
Karakaisis F., Mylonas D., Folinas D.
The Accounting Handling of the "Tangible Assets" with the IFRS (I.A.S. 16) as a Factor of Amelioration of the Efficiency and Viability of the companies listed in the ASE: The case of the Food and Drink Industry
Vlachou E., Mylonas D., Folinas D.
Teaching the subjects of Accounting and Financial at the Vocational Lyceum by using and utilizing the capabilities of Educational Software
Mylonas D.M.
Primary education teachers views of Thessaloniki prefecture about mentoring in the Greek educational system
Pappa E., Iordanidis G.
Fitness for Implementation of the Balanced ScoreCard Model as a Management Strategy in a NHS Organization
Ioannidou P., Mylonas D., Folinas D.